Labor Environment Action Network (LEAN) Victoria


Labor Environment Action Network (LEAN) Victoria is a group of Victorian Labor members who are committed to grassroots Labor action on climate change and conservation.

LEAN is also active within other branches of the Australian Labor Party.

LEAN aims to influence the policies of Victorian Labor and Labor parliamentary caucuses to move to a low-carbon economy in a way that reflects Labor’s values of social justice, decent work and strong communities.

To do this, the Labor Environment Action Network aims to engage and mobilise Labor members around the issues of climate change and sustainability, both in Victoria and throughout Australia.

This involves interaction with members by:

    • Organising speakers for Victorian Labor Branch meetings to discuss climate change and sustainability
    • Holding regular forums and discussions, often with prominent environmentalists
    • Circulating resolutions for consideration by branches to promote debate on environmental issues
    • Coordinating ‘field trips’ to see first-hand how environment protection is working.

LEAN Victoria is also developing dialogue and relationships with unions, business, think tanks, environmental NGOs and community organisations committed to action on sustainability and climate change. This interaction helps develop and campaign for the implementation of policies that reduce greenhouse gas emissions, create green jobs and support ecological sustainability. Additionally, the Labor Environment Action Network assists in developing submissions to task forces and inquiries which have a focus on climate change and the environment. LEAN is a new way for people to become involved in and engage with Victorian Labor on the issues affecting our environment.

Join LEAN Victoria

To get involved in LEAN Victoria, email the Victorian co-conveners at